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Tuesday 11 December 2012

Why Psych K Workshops Are So Popular

By Celia Hall

It only needs a visit to a book shop or a cursory internet search to realize that mankind is in need of help. There are numerous books advising people how to improve themselves in various ways. The internet offer even more choices. There are systems, programs and theories that guarantee better insight, a high level of inner peace and a more focused life. People that have attended Psych K workshops swear that their lives have been changed for the better.

The proper name of this theory is psychological kinesiology and as the name indicates, it is based upon psychological principles that aim to address the subconscious. Robert Williams, the developer of the theory, is of the opinion that most modern therapies focus on the conscious mind, but that his approach is effective because it rather concentrate on helping people change their beliefs in the subconscious mind.

Basically, a psychological tool called kinesiology is used to establish a form of communication with the subconscious mind. This is achieved by assuming very specific stances and by performing certain movements that are taught to students. The result of these movements and poses is then said to cause the firing of neurons in both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously, opening the way to remove harmful values from the subconscious and to replace them with constructive ones.

Practitioners claim that it is easy to master this theory and the various techniques and methods that are used to achieve the changes that are necessary in the subconscious. Many experts offer group therapy session, individual sessions or online courses that is said to help students progress from beginners to advanced practitioners. Various online experts offer a wide variety of training and consultation options.

Practitioners claim that people that have mastered psychological kinesiology can expect a dramatically improved quality of life. There is hardly an aspect of life that is not enhanced. Adepts will enjoy more fulfilling relationships, their wealth will increase, they will be healthier and they will be emotionally strong. Even the intellect will be sharper and participants will perform better at work, play and love.

Anyone that is interested in learning more about is psychological kinesiology will find that there is a host of sources available. Most bookstores stock various books on the subject and the internet abounds with sites that offer information, advice and training. Consumers should beware of charlatans because anything that attracts attention quickly attracts scam artists as well. It may be best to stick to material and courses that are underwritten by the man behind the theory, Robert Williams.

Critics vehemently denounce this theory as dubious and potentially harmful. They accuse practitioners of offering training in advanced psychological techniques and therapies while not qualified in the field of psychology. They are of the opinion that the theory can at best be described as one of many feel good systems and at worst a dangerous menace that put students at risk.

Psych K Workshops are praised by many thousands of people that feel that they have derived great benefits from applying the various techniques and methods. The theory is the subject of controversy, however, but until objective scientific studies are carried out it would be irresponsible to approve or condemn it in any way. In all events, consumers should take responsibility for their own decisions and should not blindly follow fads.

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