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Saturday 15 December 2012

The Young Science Of Developmental Psychology

By Lebie Moore

A child, at one and half years of age loves solitary play. At this period, a child won't usually interact with other children and is frequently absorbed playing with his own toys. The child does not have the ability to take into consideration other's point of view. Progressively, as the child reaches the age of 6 or 7, he starts to participate in group play and slowly appreciates different people's perspective. At teenage, the need to develop positive human relationship starts to flourish.

Developmental psychology is the sub-field of psychology that deals with dynamics of how individuals relate from infancy to teenage in a continuous evolution of perception of simple to complex relationships.

In 2012, based on Margaret and Butterworth, developmental psychology is the scientific study of progressive psychological changes that occur in human beings as they age. Albeit a relatively young branch of science in the field of psychology, it has already proven its worth when it comes to delving deeper into the gradual growth of child's cognitive and social functions among others. Basically, this field entails the revealing of processes that underlie the changes in behaviour.

In the area of cognitive development, there are a number of remarkable contributions from world-famous personalities like Jean Piaget, where in his theory, he emphasised that developmental changes is significantly related in the organisation or composition of the thinking process of the person. Moreover, Lev Vygotsky emphasised in his theory of socio cultural cognitive development that the advancement in child's learning and thinking process is affected by the manner by which he interacts with the social world.

Today, in the modern society where we live, there are several studies related to developmental psychology that prove the implication of tuition agencies and the excellent tuition services in the cognitive development of children. Needless to say this branch of psychology has already confirmed its immeasurable implications when it comes to improving child's growth in various aspects of his life.

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