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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Understanding The African Art History

By Marisol Guy

The human race has gone through a series of changes. Most of the changes have been fueled by the changing environment. Other changes have been brought about by the different cultures. Assessing the African art history and culture will enable us shed some light on these changes and the effects they have had on humanity.

Most of Africans started the rock painting a very long time ago. The paintings on the rock could be used as a way of passing on a message from one person to another. Soon the paintings became a way of life. The culture of cave encouraged the rock painting as most of them were painted on the cave walls to derive messages to the intended people.

The stone sculpture in Africa points back to the early days when man was still in the early days of evolution. Excavations around the continent points at the early revolution of sculpturing culture that started much earlier than any other part of the world. Most of the excavation work has been carried out by the private investors who have invested millions in reconstruction of the past history.

The raw materials necessary for the rock work were readily available. The caves provided a good channel to propagate the culture. The sculpturing was than fueled by the presence of good rocks around various locations in Africa from which the sculptures could be made. The necessary skills were also passed on from the skilled to the new trainees readily.

The skills and the expertise used for the crafting, painting and other forms of crafts were passed on form one era to another. This formed a large part of culture of people of Africa. The skilled passed on the skill to the trainees through apprenticeship. The trainers would take the trainees through a variety of training sessions before they acquired the necessary skills. Once they trainees had acquired the necessary skills, then they would carry on with the practice.

Africa was later colonized by the western powers. The colonization era formed a point of divergence for most cultures. The colonizers introduced a new culture to the Africans. Some of them got assimilated as result. Others stood by their traditions. The new culture preached the gospel of education and a variance of western ways of life.

Africans are believed to have had very strong body structures. The robust body enabled them to conquer the caves and establish a way of life in them. The strong bodies endowed with high muscle power enabled the early man to drill through rocks. Some of them were tall. This made the rock painting much easier since some of the caves had very high walls.

The African art history is one of most researched topics in the modern anthropology. This is mainly because the study of the pat human culture lays a good foundation in understanding the modern man. The past trends have been reconstructed by the anthropologists. The study has enabled the understanding of past human life. This lays a foundation for establishing where the man is from and where he is headed.

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