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Wednesday 5 December 2012

For Treatment By Means Of Psychoanalysis Philadelphia Experts Are Sought After

By Lenore Bolton

It is astonishing to learn that even in this enlightened age there are still many people that refuse to believe that psychological diseases and conditions are actual illnesses and that they have to be treated. In cases of intensive psychoanalysis Philadelphia psychological experts have proved many times that these conditions are comparable to any other disease and that treatment can be extremely effective.

While this form of therapy is usually credited to the work of Freud, the field has expanded considerably and not boasts several schools of thought. The basic theory is that all, or at least mot psychological disturbances can be traced to the unconscious. This means that the patient is not even aware of the fact that his or her problems and the symptoms caused by them are hidden, even from themselves.

The theory states that psychological problems can almost always be traced back to childhood issues that have remained unresolved or to trauma that has such negative power that it is repressed. The idea is therefore to apply techniques that will force these issues into the light of the conscious mind where they can be faced. Only when the patient is able to identify the repressed issues that cause the psychological problem can a solution be found.

Patients must agree to several sessions each week and the entire process make require years of treatment. In many cases progress is made rather quickly and patients report that some of the symptoms that they experienced have disappeared. A cure is not declared, however, until the patient has managed to consciously deal with each of the repressed issues that caused the problem in the first place.

Analysts do not all agree on the best methods for helping the patient to move repressed memories and events from the unconscious to the conscious mind. Many use regression techniques such as hypnosis to guide the patient back to certain ages and events. Free association techniques are also commonly used to create a picture of the way in which the patient related to the world.

Experts agree that this form of therapy cannot be used to address all psychological problems. It is believed to be most effective where behavioral problems exist and where progress can be made if the patient changes his perspective of life. Most anxiety disorders, phobias and stress disorders are said to benefit from this approach. Many analysts have also reported remarkable successes in treating depression and anxiety.

This theory has many enemies. They say that the approach is nothing but a sham, a way of keeping a patient in limbo for years without ever achieving any result that can be scientifically measured in any way. They also argue that the focus on the influence of the unconscious mind is too strong and that too much emphasis is placed on childhood events, sex and traumatic events.

When it comes to the subject of psychoanalysis Philadelphia therapists will agree that the theory underlying this form of treatment is the subject of controversy but they nevertheless argue that it has much merit. They quote remarkable results obtained with many patients that have suffered for years. They also argue that no psychological disorder can be treated quickly or entirely with the use of drugs.

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