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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Transforming Your World With Psych-K

By Linda Maynard

With Psych-K you are able to transform your world by merely recreating thought patterns. For many working people and those carrying on with their daily lives, people are beset by worrisome thoughts which in effect deplete bodies of energy and leave us feeling hopeless as to how to proceed with any set of circumstances that we feel unable to change. This methodology is based on the idea that the majority of thought in fact most of thought originates in the subconscious mind.

This is not something totally new and its non invasive methods of relaying these ideas in a constructive manner to those that participate in its teachings. Many of these ideas taught were established in ancient times and stem from teachings similar to those of for instance Aristotle. He believed that all thought emanated from a Prime Mover which exists within the mind of every individual.

The founder of this methodology, Robert M. Williams, through a series of intuitive insights and a history of studies in the Arts formulated a way in which people are able to change those subconscious thoughts that filter through into the conscious state and confuse the mind so to speak. Some will say that these thoughts are of an emotional basis and for many this is true. For example, should you be feeling fearful for most part of the day and you do not quite understand why, there are concrete reasons why you may be feeling this way.

Its all about freeing yourself of those limiting factors that interplay in your mind on a daily basis. These can come about due to many reasons and can be emotionally based. Feeling freer within is a life changing and transforming transformation as blocked energies within are made sense of and a renewed sense of growth and fresher perspective as to who you are as a person and what makes you tick as one is realized.

Psych-K is about developing you as a person. By discovering what makes you tick so to speak as a person you are able to discover those facets about yourself and about yourself. A path of self discovery avails itself to enabling you to create a new set of circumstances for you each day that flows into the next with ease.

This is part of the workings of the conscious mind which we are aware of as we decide what tasks we need to carry out on a daily basis or lend ourselves to ideas as to how to remodel our kitchens for example. When we are in the processes of working things out consciously are drawing them to paper, we are not aware of what our subconscious minds are telling us. For instance, we may be thinking of making a life changing decision of emigrating or moving homes for that matter.

Whilst pondering this idea sometimes as people we get an indescribable feeling that something is not quite right in the decision we are making. It as though we are unable to put our finger on it metaphorically speaking but an inner voice or feeling does not feel quite right. This is the inner world of a person speaking and sometimes it is heard and at other times it comes across as gargled communication.

Psych-K teaches you how to tap into your inner world. Here you will learn about that deeper side of yourself. This is the workings of the subconscious mind.

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