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Friday, 28 June 2013

Keeping Up With The Latest Bible Prophecy News

By Lynn Beard

Even thought the bible can be confusing, if someone wants a chance of understanding it, they will have to learn about bible prophecy. Many prophecies have happened already, some are currently happening and others are to come in the future. Even though some people may disagree about some things, there are many websites that follow the latest bible prophecy news for people to discuss current events with each other.

From all of the prophecies that have happened already, the most popular one is the coming of the Messiah. In the Old Testament, there are many predictions of Christ coming. One of the most popular scriptures is found in the book of Isiah and states that a virgin will be with a child, will give birth to her son and will name him Immanuel. Believers waited for generations for this to happen and it finally did.

Another prophecy that happened was Israel once again becoming a nation. Thousands of years ago, the Babylonians, Assyrians and Romans conquered and destroyed ancient Israel. The book of Amos and other scriptures in the bible predicted that Israel would once again become a nation, and it happened in 1948.

Jerusalem is considered to be the most significant city in the world by religious people. This was prophesied in the book of Micah. Both Christians and Jews honor this city as the holiest place on earth. The bible also predicts the prosperity of the new Israel. This is a prophesy that is taking place today as the nation has become a main food source for many other countries.

The coming of the Anti-Christ is a prophecy that is to come in the future. This man will rule the world and basically be the king of the entire earth. The whole world will worship him as he brings all the nations peace. This man will actually be the devil acting as Christ. Many Christians who consider themselves to be quite knowledgeable about the bible will be fooled into thinking that this man is Jesus Christ. When the real Christ does later appear, they will be filled with shame as they were deceived.

This Anti-Christ will be a powerful guy and most suspect that he will come out as a politician of some sort. Many people follow news that goes on in Israel and other biblical nations. The bible predicts that many bad things will happen, but these things only lead to God's people spending eternal life with him.

So, we have fulfilled prophecies, current ones and the ones that will come in the future. Sometimes people will not recognize one. The invention of the television can be looked upon as fulfilling a prophesy. The bible speaks of the two witnesses in Revelation as being seen at once by the whole world. Without television this would not be possible.

If you want to keep up with the latest bible prophecy news there are many sources for you to do so. There are any biblical websites that keep up to date and follow current events. They also will let people give their opinions and share their knowledge with others about what is going on.

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