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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Middle-East Conflicts Prophecy In The News Today

By Lynn Beard

Some days it may feel as if the world is changing. Every day there are stories of endless conflict. Terror seems to occur as a much more rapid rate than ever before. With all of this comes a need to understand all these changes. Many have begun to pay a lot of attention to prophetic information and are turning to religion to help them answer questions regarding prophecy in the news today.

This is because many believe the changes of today were the predictions of yesterday, pointing to prophecies in the Christian Bible the described in detail many of the things happening today. This is also not the only prediction contained in the pages of the bible that have come about. Those who believe in biblical prophesies point to Christ's birth and death and the rise of Christianity itself as having been foretold thousands of years ago.

They point to the passion psalm and to the book of Isaiah to substantiate this. The Old Testament of the bible also predicts that a messiah would come from Nazareth, and he would be riding a donkey. Psalm Sunday, celebrated in Jesus time and also today throughout the world, is a reflection of that prediction coming to pass.

If God fulfilled his promises and predictions in the old testament concerning Jesus, it may also be true that prophecies concerning his second coming will be fulfilled, or at least, many Christians believe so. It is then impossible to separate prophetic news from Christianity. Believers are deeply interested in what the bible refers to as the last days.

It is mainly in this reference that prophesy is taught. Confusion and conflicts of the day are occurring because of man's dissatisfaction, and that it was all predicted in the bible. Teachers point to such things as world discussions of a one world currency, specifically mentioned in the bible. Also described is a number that would be required to be on the forehead or forearm of people. Without it nothing could be bought or sold. Many believe the chip smart card in-plant, currently being tested, could be fulfilling that prophesy.

A variety of websites exist for obtaining information about prophecies and world events. These assist people in understanding prophecy in the right way and how the events fit into a greater plan. This helps make sense of things happening.

Most refer to the book of revelations, in reference to world news, last days philosophies, and the events to look for that suggest that time is near. Conflict and biblical predictions are also connected. This is especially true in reference to the Middle-East.

Many of the conflicts, unrest within nations, and financial catastrophes are seen in the bible as predictions of what would occur in times of the last days. Many exist in the book of Revelations, but also in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, Matthew and Thessalonians. Video uploads help people who want to study the teachings contained in these books, as do many magazine and news sites that assist in understanding prophecy in the news today.

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