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Sunday, 23 June 2013

Many Patients Find Helpful Advice On An OCD Blog

By Lila Barry

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disability that adversely affects a person's ability to process information in a normal way. Abbreviated OCD, the disorder, as its name indicates, causes people to exhibit both obsessive and compulsive behavioral patterns. These are the two distinct components of the illness, as one will quickly realize when an OCD blog is visited.

Individuals who suffer from this disorder are overwhelmed by irrational thoughts that they are unable to control. These thought processes usually affect their ability to maintain a normal style of life. In many cases, the irrational thought patterns cause the patient to become excessively anxious and fearful. It is these latter two emotions that often lead to the compulsive behavior, which some experts think is the brain's way of attempting to balance the situation.

The disorder is not specifically related to any age group or gender. It can surface in childhood. Often, when a person is diagnosed, he or she can remember the onset of the condition in his or her youth, although at the time the person was unaware of what was going on. Many times, children are misdiagnosed as being hyper active or having attention deficit syndrome, and it is not until they reach adulthood that an appropriate diagnosis is made.

Statistics show that approximately 4 percent of the population suffers from the disorder. OCD sufferers often deal with depression as well. Most experts agree that this symptom stems from the anxiety associated with battling the condition.

In some instances, patients with OCD will enjoy a remission of their symptoms. The latter may last for several years, or as little as several weeks. Even though the disorder they go into remission, or the severity of its symptoms fluctuate, it rarely disappears on a permanent basis.

The general health of OCD patients is often affected as well. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as obsessive thoughts about germs and bacteria. The latter may motivate the sufferer to wash his or her hands continuously in an attempt to avoid specific germs. This can be damaging to one's skin if the compulsion cannot be controlled.

The social life of sufferers is often impacted in a negative way also. For instance, unless specific conditions are guaranteed, the afflicted person may refuse to sleep or eat. This can cause significant limitations regarding his or her social life and even the patient's ability to take a pleasant vacation. Additionally, the OCD sufferer may isolate himself or herself, as the person may notice the uncomfortable reaction of others regarding his or her symptoms.

OCD often results in a tiresome life for the person it afflicts. In many cases, the obsessive thoughts and physical compulsions overshadow normal activities of daily living. It may also place significant emotional strain on those who care about the suffer.

Fortunately, a variety of treatments are available for this disorder. In some cases, talk therapy is recommended, while other times medication is indicated. In certain instances, a combination of both treatments is the best course of action. Visiting an OCD blog can be a valuable tool as well, as the suffer can learn more about the disorder and subsequent treatment options. Anyone who thinks he or she may be suffering from this condition should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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