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Sunday, 2 June 2013

Pioneering Technological Advances Made Use Of By Way Of The Amen Clinic

By Edmond Gilmartin

When you're dealing with the brain, nothing is an exact science. We just don't know enough about the brain to be able to diagnose everything 100% of the time. However, specialized services like those offered by start here do ensure that you'll have a better chance for diagnosis, because of their unique methods.

A big part of the reason that the brain is so hard to diagnose, is simply that it's difficult to paint a picture of what's going on inside your head. Without actually looking at what's happening inside of course.

Amen Clinics like to employ the SPECT scan to figure out how your mind works. This is a special type of scan that's almost like an x-ray, but specifically for your brain. It utilizes the ability to take a series of two dimensional images, to then form one three dimensional image.

There are a variety of uses for this. Number one being that any doctor is then able to view all the parts of your brain. That's important when determining the extent of something like brain damage, as well as things like trauma.

But the other benefit is seeing the brain in motion. This scan is unique for allowing doctors to pinpoint things like blood flow. This way they're literally able to determine how your brain functions in motion. Thereby determining whether or not an individual part of the brain is misfiring.

You'll find that The Amen Clinic boasts a much higher patient satisfaction rate than most other hospitals. That's all to due with the fact that on average, they are more successful with their diagnoses.

With the specialized techniques they provide, you're going to find a better and more accurate diagnosis. That means less guessing, and less unnecessary drugs while they search for what works. The doctors here can determine much more accurately what's going on in your brain.

Just realize that brain scans don't always tell the whole story. While these clinics are a lot more accurate, sometimes there is still a little bit of testing to see how certain drugs respond. We don't have the brain down to an exact science yet, so trial and error is to be expected.

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