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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Living Your Life When It Comes To Neurological Damage

By Velda Powell

Understanding how brain injuries affect a person can be extremely difficult. They are not easy injuries to diagnose or live with. But treatments have come really far, and since I've been to I'm almost back to normal. Here's how they helped me, and what I found when I decided to visit a clinic for myself.

Basically, this clinic is special because of how they are going to examine your brain. They are going to take a look at how your living brain functions. That means the brain in motion, so that they can see just how everything works. The SPECT scan affords them this opportunity.

To my understanding, the unique scan offers takes many different two dimensional pictures of your brain. When they are then all put together, the doctors can get a three dimensional view of how your brain works.

This sort of scan is pretty revolutionary. Mainly because you look at the brain while it's working. The pictures constantly update, and doctors can look at what your brain is doing while you're active in the machine.

Too many doctors rely on symptoms. That's what I didn't like about my previous consultations. They would hear how I'm performing mentally, and make suggestions. Most of it was trying out drugs and just seeing if there was any help at all.

Always remember, as my doctors told me, that despite the more accurate diagnosis, you've still got a long road ahead of you. It's been a really long road for me, and one that's had some difficulties. But I've found the treatments through this clinic to be more effective.

While I ended up having to visit the doctor all the time still, I like my time at the Amen centers. Because they know what the problem is now, the treatments are always making me feel better. My mental faculties are improving, and there haven't been any drugs that just didn't help at all.

In the end, my doctors have helped me tremendously. Because of their accurate diagnosis, I've been focusing on treatment that actually helps. It's the same treatment I could have gotten anywhere. But not the same care I could have got in the beginning. That's what's made the big difference.

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