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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Inspiring Bible Scriptures On Life

By Jennie Sandoval

Bible scriptures on life can be found in almost every page of Bible. Since the Bible is the word of God, everything in it can lead men and women in the right direction. Of course, these scriptures must be read regularly for one to appreciate their content and also carefully observe all that is written therein. The purpose of these scriptures is to make man fully dependent on God.

There may have been times when you wondered if God really cared about your existence. In Jeremiah 29:11, it is clear that God wants His children to excel in life. He is concerned about your future so whatever comes your way today is just a stepping stone to that glorious height you want.

Christians are also expected to live in total reverence to God. This instruction is contained in Romans 12:2. This is about renewing the mind constantly and not living according to the standards of this world. This is because the standards of this world are implemented by the devil and God does not want His children to follow him.

In Romans 8:28. God also wants His children to know that He has everything in His control. As a result, anything that happens to any child of God is actually for his good, whether the situation looks favorable or not. God's packages are sometimes unpredictable but that is the reason He is God. He works in ways you may not see.

In Matthew 5:13-16, God gives practical examples of what His children should be like. For instance, He says Christians should be like salt, which gives taste to food. In addition, Christians should also be the light of this world. As light, they are meant to lead people in the right path and avoid any form of deception or discrimination.

If you want to get the best gifts in life, it is important to seek God and His righteousness. God's righteousness can be defined as God's acceptable way of doing things. This means there may be times when His instructions are contrary to what other people uphold as standards. Just like Job 22:21 says, those who carefully observe His ways are bound to prosper in everything they do.

Those who think they might have been born mistakenly should better have a rethink. According to Jeremiah 1:5, God knew everyone even before they were formed in the womb. In fact, the scriptures further emphasizes that God knew man and destined him to be great. You cannot say your life is an accident because He is responsible for the breath you have.

Bible scriptures on life also make Christians know that anxiety and fear are totally unacceptable before Him. He says if He cares for the flowers and pigeons, He will certainly take care of your needs too. He has all the riches in His control and He can command them to come to you. Your comfort in life should come from God alone. You can find more about this in Matthew 6:25.

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