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Friday, 3 May 2013

How God Created Us In His Image

By Wanda Vaughn

Creation of the earth and heaven started on the first day of the week. God the father son and holly spirit took six days for creation and rested on the Sabbath. Human beings were created on the sixth day. God created us in his image and likeness. Man was made better than all the other creatures and was given the mandate to take care and rule all other creatures.

In our society, we encounter all sought of things. Man was made to be able and differentiate the good from the bad. Ignorance has made us not do so but during creation god had that intention. As if that was not enough, God decided that man should be a living creature as he is. We serve a living god. Idols are not living.

Human beings were asked by God to continue with the creation process. They conceive and give birth to other beings. God created only two people and asked them to go and multiply. They also use their brains and energy looking for food. God made man in a way that they are able to work and toil for them to eat.

Communication is extremely important in our day to day activities. Without communication nothing could be done. God decided that man should be able to communicate. They communicate to each other in different ways. Man prays to God and says all their worries and problems. They also sing praise and worship songs to god. In return, God comes in the form of a vision or dream.

Love and care are vital in the life of someone. The creator showed loved to man in the form of breathing life to their nostril. He expects them to do the same to other people. We should also love and take care of the rest of the creatures. Creation on that day was different and unique from the rest. This day God decided to create man alone.

God is believed to be in the form of three, God the father son and Holy Spirit. They form a trinity. This makes them work in unity and love. They involve each other in one way or another. Human beings were made in His image in a different way. The human body consists of the soul and body. These two have to work in unity just as God the trinity does.

The human being is a clear representation of God on earth. They are asked to take good care of it and be proud of their bodies. God formed man in such a way that He will want to appear on earth. Jesus Christ came on earth in the form of a human being so that our sins could be forgiven

Creation was extremely beneficial and noteworthy. God worked for six days. Human beings are also asked to work and remember to worship god. It is so amazing that God created us in his image, but man does sin. Although we are sinners we should remember always to try and do what is right.

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