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Saturday, 19 January 2013

What The Bible Teaches About Jesus Genealogy

By Shanna McNeil

Jesus genealogy is an account of Jesus earthly parents and how they contributed to his existence on earth. Prophecies about His first coming were indicated in the Old Testament and before his birth, the New Testament tried to show His tribe and family backgrounds. The books of the New Testament where this can be found are Matthew and Luke. From the Bible's accounts, Christ's earthly fathers were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Tarmah, Perez, Hezron and Ran.

Abraham was called friend of God and the father of faith. The reason behind this is that God tested him so much until he was confident that Abraham was really faithfully and trustworthy. God promised him that he would be father of nations even though he was advanced in age and had no child at that time. He eventually delivered Isaac after a long while.

Isaac can be literally translated as "He laughs". His parents (especially the mother) gave him the name because Sarah laughed when the angels in disguise visited their family. Isaac did not leave Canaan before his death. His two children were Esau and Jacob. Esau and Jacob were twins but God chose Jacob (the younger one) to be the father of Israel as he got his father's blessings. He had twelve sons who represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob. It was from his tribe that the Lord Jesus came to earth. He suggested that Joseph (his brother) should be hidden in a pit after his brothers had already decided to kill him.

Judah had five sons but one of them died without an offspring. God decided to end his life because of his great wickedness. His diseased son's wife, Tarmah, slept with Judah (according to their custom) so that a name could be raised for Er, his late son. Tamar later gave birth to two children, Perez and Zerah. Perez was the first and the one the Lord chose to continue the link in Jesus genealogy.

King David came from the line of Perez. His parents named him Perez because he was the first from his mother. Perez is acknowledged in St Matthew's account of the genealogy of Christ.

Hezron and Hamul were the sons of Perez. Hezron, the younger brother gave birth to Ram and Ram gave birth to Amminadab. Amminadab gave birth to Nahshon and Nahshon gave birth to Salmon. Salmon and Rahab (the harlot in Jericho that saved the spies) got married and gave birth to Boaz. Boaz married Ruth, the daughter- in-law of Naomi after the death of her children. Boaz and Ruth were blessed with Obed, father of Jesse and grandfather of David (the king of Israel).

Later on, Joseph (the carpenter) was born and he was engaged to Mary (the virgin). God planned it in such a way that Mary would conceive before their marriage. Mary became the earthly mother of Christ. Jesus genealogy reveals God's will that man should not perish.

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