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Saturday, 5 January 2013

Extended Dream States Called Parasomnia

By Jamie Derivieres

Parasomnia refers to a sleeping disorder that occurs during the dream state. This may take the form of night terrors or nightmares. It also may involve a condition known as enuresis. Here is a more detailed look at this problem and some possible solutions.

Everyone experiences bad dreams known as nightmares from time to time. Yet for some, they can be frequent and extremely disturbing. There are many causes for nightmares including emotional issues and reactions to food or medication. If the situation becomes chronic, it is best to see a doctor.

Many young children awaken their parents in the middle of the night, crying or screaming with night terrors. These children may be inconsolable and completely unresponsive. Often times, the eyes have a glassy or glazed appearance. Yet, if you wait a few minutes, the child will usually go back to sleep with some gentle persuasion, and wake up remembering nothing of the event.

When children experience night terrors, there is no use in attempting to awaken them. The best thing to do is stay calm and do not get excited. Lead the child back to bed if possible, and do not try to communicate by shaking. As the child grows older, the terrors will decrease and disappear. If they persist, professional assistance like counseling might be required.

Enuresis means that a person loses a bodily function while sleeping. The most common form is called "bed wetting" or "nocturnal enuresis". Most young people eventually grow out of bed wetting, and it is never appropriate to punish someone for things beyond their control. Talk to the child and let him or her know that you are there to help.

If you or a family member suffers from a sleep disorder, time and patience may be the best treatment. Remember that this condition is involuntary and should be treated like any other kind of illness. When parasomnia become troublesome, seek medical attention.

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