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Saturday, 19 January 2013

God Created Us In His Image Is A Phrase That Stirs Controversy

By Claudine MacDonald

There is a wholesome pride which comes when people are confident and accepting of how they are created. Whether they are tall or short, heavy or thin, or move around with assistance or without, accepting the truth of self and being happy because of it can be a really good situation. However the confidence and pride could go astray when people start comparing themselves to others while assuming they are superior to everyone else. This type of selfish comparison can turn divisive and create worlds of heartaches and pain. One should feel peace in the fact that God created us in his image.

For centuries the world has been shared the truth that man has been created in the likeness of God. For humankind to be created means that there is a power that is vastly more intelligent than man himself. After all, the body is made up of so many moving parts that are made to work together in harmony.

When human eggs go through fertilization they grow by absorbing natural substances which can be found just about anywhere. People continuously need food, oxygen, and other forms of nature in order to stay alive. Finally when bodies die they go back to pre human and absolutely common conditions. Men do not have the means to make life, or even make the building blocks that go into life itself.

God is definitely full of power to make such complex and precious systems. This might be a key reason why many find pleasure in saying they are created in Gods likeness. There are also those who seek to discredit anyone else from being a godly image.

Racial hatred has plagued the world for many years. People of color have been considered anything but godly by various white people. Conversely, there have been people of color making the assumption that white people are ungodly. People born into wealth will believe that they are Gods image while those who are starving are not.

Religion plays a big part in this situation. There can be many connected with a religion that feel their approach makes them absolutely godly. They can also look down on other faiths, extending reasons why they are not as godly.

The world will change into a better state when there is no more racial hatreds or prejudicial thoughts towards differences. The focus lies in understanding better the truth of being made in the image of God. A persons main desire should be to worship and serve God. There should be desires to fellowship with him. Being in his likeness means one can have the opportunity to connect with him. All people possess the strength to make this connection.

People should understand that being like God is not about things that can decompose once the body has died. It is not about features, skin, or material items one may have. God created us in his image, and this means more than anything that human beings are compassionate, loving, and have the ability to make good decisions.

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