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Monday, 21 January 2013

Marriage Separation- How Can It Help to Save My Marriage

By Maureen M. Carroll

Not all marriages are perfect and separation is the best option to sort out marriage issues. When there is a continuous struggle in the relationship, the couple will not find it easy to look for the right solution to the problem. If the couple is always angry at each other, the feeling of resentment will just continue to get worst. Certainly, this could not help to fix the marriage.

The attachment of the fighting couple who continues to live together will only be torn apart. There are a number of couples who need to handle marriage conflicts on the daily basis and will need to stop talking to each other at a certain point of their lives. Marriage separation gives a couple sufficient times to be alone and realize things.

Marriage separation can result in either the couples realizing that their life is so much better without their partner or they knowing that their life is nothing without their behalf. Separation verifies the true feelings and this is a good opportunity for couples to save their marriage instead of immediately opting for a divorce.

A troubled marriage is certainly not easy to cope with especially when the problem includes both practical and emotional matters. Dealing with it in an objective manner can become more complicated when the problematic couples will always be on fire every day. Separation is the only way to find peace of mind so that the couple can come up with smart decisions and be able to spend time talking about their relationship again someday in a nicer and calmer way.

In addition, being separated with let them recognize their mistakes and know their role in the drama. This can help them express what they truly wish their relationship to become and if they want to give it a second try or not.

During the separation, though, it can help the couple to be with a competent therapist and have some readings. This will let them understand the situation and get helpful advice that is relevant to saving the marriage.

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