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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Relevant Bible Scriptures On Life

By Shanna McNeil

Life is what everybody on earth works hard to get. People go to work, eat good food, exercise and do other things just to make sure they are alive and healthy. Oftentimes, people forget that they should always seek directives from the source of life in order to get the best it can offer. The truth is that God who gave this gift has the best packages for His children. God's ideas about this can be well understood by studying Bible scriptures on Life.

John 3:16 explains the requirement for living forever. Of course, this is the kind that most people want. However, the only way to get this is by accepting Jesus, God's son, who was sent to die for man's sins. God gave Jesus to the world because He loved it dearly and was ready to do anything to save it from the impending doom.

Eternal life comes from righteousness while death comes from sin. This can be found in the book of Romans chapter six verse twenty-three. Therefore, there is a call to live righteously and shun all forms of evil.

John 10:10 is an eye opener to the fact that the true giver of life is Jesus Christ. On the contrary, the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy lives in subtle ways. The world is always deceived by the devil's strategies and except one follows Christ step by step, the devil will succeed in the business of killing, stealing and destroying.

If you study the Bible effectively, you will find it easier to uphold righteous standards. Although man's nature is weak, the activeness of God's word can make Him awake to godliness. Hebrews 4:12 explains that God's word is very active and sharp.

Many people want to know if God really cares for their survival. In Genesis 2:7, He created man and made Him alive His breath. He later placed Him in the Garden of Eden where everything was provided for Him. Since He is faithful and never changes, He is still faithful in making these provisions.

Galatians 2:20 explains how Christians should live. Jesus is the ultimate source so there should be no style except His. In fact, it is expected of Christians to allow Jesus live in them and through them instead of trying to follow others. The first basic step in doing this is by sharing in his crucifixion. This means giving up every worldly pleasure.

The simplest way to get this is shown in John 5:24. This verse says that hearing and believing the word are the only requirements. Gone are the days when mediators were needed and various kinds of offerings were made for sustenance. God is always there for those who fear and honor what is written in the scriptures.

Although the formula for getting the kind of things God wants His children to have looks simple, the devil tries to make it difficult by presenting several temptations. Remember that this was how Job was tested and eventually recovered all that was lost initially. When you give your time to Bible scriptures on life, you will become more aware of all these things and readily pattern yourself for eternity. God loves you and wants the best for you.

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