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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Study The Skill Of Covert Hypnosis

By George Turner

It may be surmised that some men dream of covert hypnosis in respect of sex or robbery. A bank manager may be commanded to hand over keys without demur or a desirable woman may be instructed to fall at a man's feet. The great advantage of doing these things covertly is that the victims might also be to forget how and why they did what they did do.

The most extraordinary events occurred in Germany midway through the twentieth century when a demagogue persuaded a whole nation to follow him to ruin. Although many people were dragged along unwillingly many others appear to have been hypnotized by having things shouted at them that they wanted to hear. They might also have been seduced by the emotion of hatred into doing things of which they might never have imagined themselves capable.

Though there are many instances if inexplicable human behavior not all can be explained in terms of hypnosis. There are distinctions. A flock of chickens may act in panic when a fox enters their house but the chicken which is laid on the floor with its eyes directed at a spot will remain motionless because it is in a hypnotic state. Its behavior is induced by specific techniques.

The nature of hypnosis places considerable responsibility on those who master the art. Online training and books are available so that anyone with tenacity and determination can learn. It is possible that much can be explained about human actions in terms of hypnosis. It is a means of power that can be used for good or evil.

Some people may be able to wield hypnotic influence over others whilst hardly realizing their power but intentional hypnosis is more intense and powerful. In both forms rapport is an essential first phase. A person who comes on stage during a public performance and one who gently subsides under the lilt of conversation have willingness and cooperation in common.

In the case of covert hypnosis the rapport between the subject and the hypnotist must be attained without the subject being aware of it. This makes the whole process more subtle and also more difficult. A person who willingly submits for entertainment or medical reasons retains some ultimate control over a situation but the person who is hypnotized without consent or knowledge is extremely vulnerable.

A fascinating process in literature is known as the suspension of disbelief. Although a reader knows that he is reading fiction he is seduced into experiencing the narrative as though it is real. A similar though more compelling process might occur in the hypnotic process as critical faculties are willingly aborted in the glow of satisfying rapport with a stranger.

If a strong rapport exists between two people one may spout banalities, platitudes and truisms and a perfectly intelligent person may remain uncritical. For example, a perfectly intelligent person may fall victim to flattery if it is cunningly applied. A woman who is proud of her family may become oblivious to subterfuge on hearing the phrase 'lovely children'. The final phase in covert hypnosis is to issue the commands that the subject is required to perform. Aspirant hypnotists need to reflect and study this phase carefully. If they go too fast their cover could be blown. If they are too tentative they might fail to achieve their aim.

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