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Monday, 4 February 2013

Information About Covert Hypnosis And Its Uses

By George Turner

Commonly called conversational hypnotism, covert hypnosis is a type of hypnotism that uses gestures and words to hypnotize a person, much like a conversation. The individual is not aware they are being hypnotized. This hypnotism is also known as the power of suggestion and there is still a lot that people do not completely understand about how it works.

Conversational hypnotism is used by many different kinds of people. Marketing and sales professionals use this hypnotism to provide suggestions to potential customers in their advertisements and commercials. It can be compared to subliminal messaging, but more like suggestion instead of brainwashing. This hypnotism is particularly helpful in clinical applications for therapy sessions that help people with psychological problems, chronic pain, and distress.

People who are hypnotized with conversational hypnotism often do not realize it because they think that they are carrying on a normal conversation with the hypnotizer. Through subtle suggesting, the hypnotizer is able to manipulate the individual. These suggestions are stuck into the subconscious. Decisions and actions can be changed with this ability.

Conversational hypnotism has three steps involved. The hypnotizer must first build a rapport and gain the trust and confidence of the individual through finding common ground, asking various questions, and talking about things that foster comfort. After a rapport is built, a hypnotizer can ask different questions that open the subconscious through forcing him or her to use their imagination. Once these steps are completed, hypnotizers make the desired suggestions to gain influence.

Conversational hypnotism used to be most famous when it was used in performances and as tricks by different individuals claiming to have special abilities to influence the mind. Previously and more currently, it is becoming more known as a beneficial treatment aid for therapists and other medical professionals. Psychotherapists use this hypnotism to help patients work through difficult situations or cope with trauma.

Additionally, there are other helpful uses for this hypnotism. The medical profession has seen it as a means to help people overcome certain behaviors that may be detrimental to their health. Eating disorders, smoking, and alcohol or drug abuse has been treated using many regular sessions of conversational hypnotherapy.

Although there are several helpful ways to use the hypnotism, there are just as many ways that it can be used against people, for selfish gain. A criminal who learns how to use conversational hypnotism can convince people to do things for them or help them in some way. History has plenty of examples of psychotic or otherwise disturbed people using conversational hypnotism to manipulate people.

As with any type of treatment or hypnosis, it is always possible for someone to figure out how to misuse the ability and wreak havoc. Even though there are many benefits that exist when you learn the art of covert hypnosis, it is important to pay attention to what people are saying to you, or how you present things to people. The mind is a complicated thing and not one that should be used for entertainment.

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