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Friday, 8 April 2016

Why You Need A Premarital Counseling Bethesd Counselors Enjoy

By Daniel Wallace

Finding a person to love and who loves you back is such a great emotional feeling. When you love a person, you want to share all your joys and sorrows together for the rest of your life. However, before you say I do, it is wise if you consider premarital counseling Bethesd counselors offer. Most religious institutions require the to-be husband and wife to take counseling sessions before their wedding. That is why statistics show a lower divorce rate of religious weddings compared to non-religious weddings. Below are some very important reasons why a couple should consider going for advice before they get married.

Therapy makes the couples aware of current issues that make others argue leading to divorce. They get advice on how to tackle issues that they do not agree on while still unmarried. Then they are made known of some of the issues that may arise in their marriage and how they will handle them when they do. For instance, they should agree on the number of kids they both would want to have. They also get advice how to handle in-laws when they want to move in with them or interfere with their family issues. Having an agreement avoids major arguments which lead to separation or divorce.

The counselor should be a married person who will give advice based on the experience of real life issues either experienced personally or from matters handled from other couples. The experience and examples given by the counselor will form examples to be referred by the couples when they face similar issues in life.

A common mistake done by couples is looking at others and thinking they are doing better in their marriage than them.Each family has its own challenges, and it would be a mistake to think that you are the only one with marriage issues. When serious matters arise, it is advisable to solve them without resorting to divorce as they may recur even with a new marriage.

For a marriage to last, there must be good understanding and communication between the couple. To be able to do this, they should seek advice from a marriage counselor. Listening to one another and being able to understand each other with love is one of the keys to successful marriages.

Finances are a common problem in most couples, and therefore, the counselor helps to make the two more open to one another, and this makes it easy to deal with this important subject of their life.

During the therapy sessions, the couples get to know each other better. They share their past experiences and how it affected them. They also learn each other future expectations and how one can avoid repeating an incident that might have hurt their spouse in the past.

Counseling helps a great deal in avoiding divorce. When saying I do to your loved one, divorce is the last thing that you would want to separate both of you. You should, therefore, go for psychotherapy to prevent it from happening.

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