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Sunday, 3 April 2016

Families That Live With A Drug Addict

By Monique Astors

Is your family having to deal with addiction? Your loved brother, sister or parent has an addiction that you cannot stop. In many families across America today, addiction is destroying people. Addiction has a lot of do with people hurting inside of their hearts. Addiction is more than just shooting up heroin or smoking crack. Rehabs teach us that there are many deep rooted issues as to why someone turns to drugs/alcohol for help. It is possible to get help for addicted people today. However, there are many hurting families out there that need help on a regular basis.

Many insurance companies today will not pay for treatment. Many medical billers are having a hard time processing insurance claims for families that do not have the right medical insurance. Many medical insurance companies are not willing to pay for full treatment of an addict. Often a family contribution for someone with insurance is between $5,000 and $10,000. The price of treatment is often $30,000 plus $7,000 for detox. Treatment is not cheap and many addicts are finding that they cannot get help because of the high costs associated with treatment.

Many drugs today are manufactured in Mexico. I am talking about illegal drugs like meth, cocaine, heroin and molly. You will find that these drugs are making it into the United States at alarming rates. They are being widely distributed in white middle class suburbs. It is uncertain as to why these areas are targeted the most. State like New York, Florida and New Jersey seem to have higher amounts of heroin coming into the states. In order to combat this, more treatment has to be given.

Today, kids are being exposed to illegal drugs by their parents. Many children become addicts themselves if their parents are addicts. In many families, addiction is obviously passed down from generation to generation. Many men and women find it hard to imagine their loved ones going through any kind of addiction. Many people that get addicted to drugs and alcohol find it impossible to get off the drug alone. Families have to come together in order to see addicts free from their addiction. There is nothing worse than finding your loved one living in the streets that has a drug addiction.

If you are like me, you want to help your family member to recover and get well. It is best to come together as a family and discuss what needs to happen in order to have the addict get help. Help only happens when you feel like it's important to receive it. There is lot of psychological issues going on with someone that takes drugs. Often, addicts were molested or abused and are trying to run from their pain. Drugs are often an easy outlet for someone that is struggling with an addiction. There is not addiction that cannot be helped. It is important to have an intervention for your loved one ASAP. Their life is depending on it as each day passes.

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