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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Pediatric Psychiatry In NYC Helps Children From Preschool Ages To Teens

By Rosella Campbell

A child psychiatrist is a graduate of medical school who can write prescriptions when needed. Any bad behavior or evidence of a serious disorder can give a child a poor start in life. Fortunately, there is treatment available. Pediatric psychiatry in NYC can diagnose and treat troubled children.

Any teen age adolescent might be having difficulty interpreting the world around him, for example. There is peer pressure, pressure to get good grades and pressure to get into a social group. If, in addition, he or she is worried about a parent getting a divorce, it can be too much for the teen to deal with.

Emotional problems can cause a teen to become emotionally unstable. If a parent notices a drastic change it may indicate a problem. If a school counselor notices failing grades or social anxiety, there is help available.

Prior to treatment, the psychiatrist must be sure there is no physical reason for the emotional disorder. If serious enough, medication may be indicated. Sometimes both a psychiatrist and psychotherapist will help the same individual concurrently.

Anyone can access drugs and alcohol from various sources. A teen may react badly to a divorce, a parent losing a job or life with a demanding stepparent. Drugs may represent escape. Females may escape into overeating or other eating disorders. Some are life altering conditions.

There is so much talk about Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, known as ADHD, that there is some doubt that it is a psychiatric problem. Some disorders, bipolar for one, can be brought under control with a modern prescription drug.

Two serious eating disorders are bulimia nervosa and anorexia. Many girls see models on television or in magazines. The pictures may be retouched to make the models look thinner.

Teen age girls do want to look like one of those unrealistically thin models. They worry about fat to the extent of seeing a distorted image of themselves when they look in a mirror. Some young girls lose so much weight they look like walking skeletons.

When a young child or adolescent has been sexually or physically abused, the rest of his or her life may be affected. A girl may be promiscuous as a result. A boy may feel shame and assume the guilt for what happened. It is made more intense if the abuser was someone he trusted.

It is somewhat difficult to understand. However, the child may assume some or all of the guilt for the sexual abuse. The abuser may tell him or her that no one will believe it happened if he tells. This secret is overwhelming and damaging.

Teens are more often victims of depression than younger children. A clinical depression is long-lasting and harder to treat than temporary sadness over one issue. Often another mental illness is accompanied by, or the cause of, the clinical depression.

A young child may not have sufficient vocabulary to describe the abuse that was done. In some cases, art therapy can help. In others, playing with dolls to demonstrate what happened may be the only way to help the child. The younger the child is when the abuse occurs, the more difficult it may be to get at the truth of whatever was done to him or her.

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