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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Group Therapy For Personal Growth And Development

By Rosella Campbell

Engaging in counseling with other members who have gone through similar struggles creates an atmosphere of cohesiveness. Group therapy not only allows Individuals to experience personal growth through self exploration, but to also learning about the experiences of others can aid in recovery. Additionally, because guilt and shame are common feelings, talking with others alleviates some of these feelings and helps the person to feel normal and safe in sharing their experiences and struggles.

Hearing the stories of others can often help individuals understand themselves better. This is why groups can be very meaningful ways to help individuals cope with their circumstances. Although members may join at different stages of personal contentment, each stage can offer support to another. A person who has just experienced the loss of a loved one may be able to feel hope after hearing how another member has coped with their loss.

Groups should consist of between eight to twelve individuals. This allows a more intimate setting and provides a comfort level that is not likely for larger groups. Topics of groups can vary and can be anything from divorce recovery, grief and loss, eating disorders or anger management.

Having a trained mental health facilitator is imperative to keeping the members focused and on topic. Most therapists have experience in one on one counseling. These professionals translate their skills into the group realm by making sure members stay focused on their goals, diffuse conflicts that may arise, and to ensure that every member gets an equal opportunity to speak.

Telling ones life stories can be very difficult in a room of strangers. It is the job of the counselor to create an atmosphere of trust and support. Because individuals share intimate details about their life and struggles it is extremely important that confidentiality be stressed. Each member should understand that whatever is said in the session stays in the session. Violating this rule is severe and often results in the member being asked to leave.

Therapists are trained in the profession of counseling and often hold a masters degree or higher. Within their education, counselors come to understand human behavior, thought patterns and obstacles to success. They are trained in the art of talk therapy and use various tools that will challenge strong willed individuals who cannot see how their behaviors or thoughts are effecting their happiness.

Different from individual counseling, in a setting with multiple people counselors must have the ability to confront members who are out of line, diffuse stressful situations, and keep the group cohesive. Also very important is to ensure that each member gets an equal amount of talk time and that no one member is dominating conversation.

Tulsa, OK and many other locations offer this type of counseling. Individuals must be willing to open up about their own struggles if they expect to gain success. Equally important is the desire to provide insight that may help other members.

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