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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Therapists Must Be Qualified To Use Hypnosis For Sleep Disorders

By Michael Corrano

When someone was hypnotized on a stage show, it was done by a magician. Now, it is one way to help people with emotional issues. There are specific ways to Use Hypnosis for Sleep Disorders.

Psychotherapists take continuing education courses to prepare to practice hypnotherapy. It is in addition to their doctoral or masters degrees. By asking the client to relax and concentrate only on his or her voice, it is possible to induce the hypnotic trance state that will make the therapy successful.

The word itself is derived from the Greek word sleep. The individual, while in a hypnotic trance, is amenable to the suggestions of the therapist. This includes directing him or her to stop an undesirable habit or action, smoking for one example.

This is a successful option for treating many types of addictions. Those with anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and sleep disorder can all be assisted. Drug addicts can be helped without using legal prescription drugs.

The feelings of relaxation and suggestibility may be a natural way to overcome insomnia. Millions of people suffer from sleep deprivation each year. They cannot seem to stop thinking, relax and drift off to slumber.

While he is in the hypnotic state, the therapist will make suggestions geared to overcome the insomnia. He may be directed to fall asleep as soon as he gets into bed each night. This medication free mode of therapy has been successful in doing just that for many people.

Only small research studies have been conducted into the benefits of hypnotherapy. However, there has been a favorable result and further research is indicated. One scientist separated the people into two groups. There were those who were basically daydreamers and fantasized over imaginary friends in childhood.

The second group was composed of those with dissociative identity disorder. This was formerly called multiple personality disorder. They are the ones who are most responsive to suggestions given under the hypnotic trance. Victims of traumatic stress disorder are also receptive.

This therapeutic tool has been used by hypnotherapists with a high level of success in many cases. However, prior to using it to treat insomnia, a person should see a primary doctor to make certain there is no physical reason for the sleeplessness. For example, if someone has sleep apnea, there could be negative results.

The way self-hypnosis works is by simply drawing the individual away from focusing on things that cause anxiety. This turns his or her thoughts away from worries. This in turn, allows the person to relax. Sleepiness will follow.

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