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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Some Chronological Bible Reading Tips To Help You Grow Into A Strong Christian

By Anita Ortega

The word of God is the only best book you will ever read. No matter how many newspapers you buy or how many romance novels you have in your personal home library, you will always find yourself going back to the word of God, because it is inspiring, divine and true. Below are chronological Bible reading tips, which can help you learn to be a regular bible reader and thus end up reading the whole book within a year.

Everything starts with a plan. Because you know you are going to church on Sunday, your preparations for that day usually starts the night before or very early in the morning of the actual day. This means you have not gone to the house of worship because people are there but because you had a plan to meet with the community of believers.

Reading the Bible from Genesis all the way through Revelation can be fun for real. The good thing is that it is the only inspiring book that there ever was and always will be. It contains the inspiring messages about life on earth and life to come. The word of God is the only channel through which you get to know more about Jesus, the Son of the Almighty.

Start by praying every morning when you wake up. You can spend an hour or two for devotion either alone or with your whole family or go to a nearby church if you live around one. Ask God to fill you with the zeal to read His word on a regular basis so that you get to know about Him.

You already know that if you do not have a passion for something, then you will never have an interest for it. This means that if you have never wanted to be friend the word of God, you will never have time for it. Ask God to pour the hunger and thirst for His word within you so that you are able to read the book whenever you see it. This important practice process will help you start reading the whole book yearly.

Payer is the key that opens every door in your life. Prayers can do anything and that includes shaping you into a passionate and regular Bible reader. Before you sit down to read the word of God, pray. After you finish reading a section of your choice, pray. The rule is just that simple but the problem is that only few follow that path.

Whoever said that practice makes perfect did not go wrong in their words. For you to become good in something, you must practice and accustom yourself to its tradition and rules. The same applies to the word of God. If you intend to become a better reader who will grow strong spiritually, then read, always.

Always remember the scripture that talks about letting the word of God to dwell richly in you and as you pray and read, always have the desire to read along every day of your life. Once you have done enough practice, go to the bookstore and buy a yearly Biblical reading guide book to help you read the bible chronologically. Such books have a better reading plan that will help you read the whole Bible in 365 days.

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