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Friday, 18 April 2014

Learn More About The Benefits Of Psych-K

By Essie Osborn

People who feel they are in a constant battle and unable to make progress in life may be experiencing the problem of self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs. Psych-K was first developed as a response to the realization that typical counseling techniques were not that effective. It has been in existence for more than twenty years and utilizes both ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience. Changes in the lives of many individuals have been brought about simply and quickly using these practices and principles.

Human beings today often suffer from a sense of isolation and disconnectedness. Ancient wisdom stressed the interrelatedness of everything. The principles applied in nature like harmony, balance and resilience were applicable to humans too as they were just part of the whole. Humans need to return to this mindset instead of the one of survival of the fittest.

Neuroscience has made great strides in discovering how the brain works. Processes designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex, or the whole brain state, are ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind. Thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavior originating in the subconscious mind that jeopardize conscious goals can be dealt with in this whole brain state.

Workshops are held to teach individuals how to access the whole brain state. In this state they are able to deal with any blockages, release creativity, improve problem solving, improve memory and enhance spiritual and emotional well being. The individual enters a new level of consciousness whereby they begin to think in a different way. Many self help methods work only on the conscious mind. They can offer some results but if the subconscious beliefs are not addressed, these results are limited.

This method is being used by certified instructors all over the world. They hold workshops and conduct private sessions where they interact dynamically with individuals. The process itself is not difficult. Nothing is forced on the client and permission is required for the instructor to proceed.

Unfortunately, this method is not able to be taught effectively through reading books or watching videos. An experienced instructor is required to learn how to do it properly. These instructors are hand picked and carefully trained. Once they are trained, they are able to work independently, deciding where and when to hold classes.

An individual who has a group of people wanting to find out more can contact a certified instructor for help. It is up to the sponsor of the group to find a venue and arrange all the specific details with the certified instructor. A percentage of the profits from the class are given to the individual who has arranged the session.

This unique combination of mind management tools provides an effective and powerful way to access and change beliefs. There is no limit to what can be achieved by replacing limiting beliefs with those that are life enriching. Self-esteem, job performance, physical health, relationships and even spiritual understanding can all be transformed.

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