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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

The Inner Meaning Of In Earth As It Is In Heaven

By Kelli Evans

World religions contain many very serious topics requiring introspection. As they deal with profound aspects of Life, this is only natural. One of those aspects which requires a lot of thought is the phrase: in earth as it is in heaven.

At first glance, this is asking for things to be the same in both realms. But another look shows this is not so. The full sentence is asking for the Will of God to prevail on Earth, in the same way as it does in Heaven. And that Will may differ, and this might explain why there are different realms.

The exact implication of the phrase depends then on what the Desire of God is for Earth. Initially, this could seem to be unfathomable. The solution, as with many other spiritual questions, would depend on the inner beliefs of each individual. Some might accept that Heaven is perfect, and humanity should wish for the same. But perfection would depend on what the Intent is. However, perhaps a possible attempt to understand can be made, based on what we know and can read for ourselves. It must be possible, otherwise there is would be no point.

Most believers would accept that God created the Universe as we know it. And would also accept that nothing He made is, or could ever be, anything less than perfect. That includes all people and the World as well But the whole of society seems so flawed; surely the World can't be perfect! However, this is a judgement based on insufficient information. After all, His purpose for the World would determine what perfection is.

Assuming the Earth is perfect, o reason for its creation which could explain any perceived anomaly is that the world is intended as a feedback mechanism. It perfectly reflects where humanity is and what progress there has been over time. This can be compared with an innate sense of what to strive for, based on the available teachings.

This global looking-glass can then show us the results if we start living according to important precepts, such as truly loving God. Ourselves and our neighbors. Or trusting in a Higher Being rather than our own physical abilities. Living by faith might finally result in conditions in earth as it is in heaven.

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