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Monday, 6 May 2019

The Benefits Of Telepsychiatry Services And Telemedicine

By William Schmidt

When it comes to going to any type of medical appointment, doing so can often be difficult. While this is the case, there are now Telepsychiatry services which can bring medical professionals into the home. Unlike house calls in the past, the new practice involves direct contact between mental health care providers and clients in two different locations. Whereas, there are also other health care providers which are using telecommunications and telemedicine in different ways.

Telemedicine and all associated practices use different formats of communication. These can include, landline telephones, smart phones, computers, laptops and tablets in which two individuals can communicate over a distance. One of the most popular appears to be in using Skype and other videoconferencing applications which provide one-on-one, face-to-face appointments.

In addition to direct psychiatrist to client services, telepsychiatry also allows professionals the ability to support primary care providers with regards to mental health expertise to determine the appropriate referral of clients. In either case, various aspects of mental health care be now be provided through live online interactive communication. Whereas, the practice can also involve the recording of images and videos which can be sent to a distant location for review at a later date.

Telepsychiatry has already helped clients in a number of ways. For, the practice has proved to be readily accessible and affordable for almost anyone in need of mental health services. Different ways the practice can benefit individuals include, improved access to individuals living in rural area, integrating primary care and mental health care, reducing the need for emergency room visits, reducing the need to reschedule appointments, flexible scheduling around school and work, eliminating transportation issues and reducing barriers of stigma.

While people may be somewhat uncomfortable talking to a computer screen, research has shown that the majority of individuals seem to have no problem. Whereas, studies have also shown that some individuals are willing to open up and talk more about issues and problems than when being seen in a traditional setting. Whereas, a number of individuals who were uncomfortable in the beginning, have become more comfortable after only a few sessions of teleconferencing.

Both primary and mental health care providers must hold a valid license to practice medicine in the state where treatment is taking place. Since state licensing and legislature generally view that to be the place in which clients are located, providers and clients alike need to be cautious when communicating either on the phone or through videoconferencing from outside the state of residence.

While a fairly new practice, research has discovered satisfaction to be prevalent among clients, primary care and mental health professionals. While appointments take place online, the practice is equivalent to in-office visits when it comes examinations, diagnosis, treatment and quality of care. Whereas, doctor client privilege, overall privacy and confidentiality are also equivalent to individuals receiving care in a clinical setting.

Ultimately, telemedicine and telepsychiatry can be valuable to people of all ages. For, research has found that assessments and treatment plans can be provided more quickly and efficiently than in a clinic setting. Whereas, since the inception of telemedicine, a number of people now prefer to communicate with mental and health care providers online as doing so can also prevent the transmission of a number of diseases and illnesses.

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