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Monday 13 January 2014

The Best From Continuing Education For Substance Abuse Counselors

By Marissa Velazquez

Continuing education for substance abuse counselors is something that you can't neglect if you are specializing in this field. You may find that your practice or method is going well and your clients are improving as they come and see you. However, it is also important to keep up to date with the times and to be updated with new information regarding various methods as well as drugs on the market.

People who specialize in addicts will use certain types of methods. However, these are always been changed and adapted depending on the needs of the patients. Often one looks at the statistics and this comes from groups at rehab centers and clinics where people are trying to come clean. If you stay in one place, then you won't move forward and patients will keep on coming back.

In a case like this you may have to use cognitive behavioral therapy where you try and help your client to change negative feelings into something which is more positive. Some people use drugs for recreational purposes or because they have problems with their self esteem or confidence and this is a way of getting around it.

Because of a lot of research, one has also found out about other topics relating to addicts. For example, there has been a lot of talk about how the family of the drug addicts have been affected. This is not something that was dealt with effectively before. Counselors are educated in the best way so that they are able to give best kind of support to these families.

One must weigh all of these reasons up when it comes to counseling. Once you have done this, it is possible to go onto the next stage and to find the method that is appropriate for the client. You may want to use cognitive behavioral therapy for someone who is acting in a very negative way because you may change these feelings into those which are more positive.

Besides the actual addicts, this education also deals with the family of the addicts, such as the spouses and the kids. They can be badly affected and this needs to be treated before it carries on. For example, if kids don't get therapy for emotional and physical abuse it will be a problem right into their adult lives and this will affect a lot of things which will come up on a daily basis.

Adult children of alcoholics and drugs addicts suffer because they remember far back and this plays on their mind. Because of this they are affected and their personalities are also affected. Research will tell you that these people are not able to have as much fun as the regular person because of the responsibility that they showed in the past.

One can now see why continuing education for substance abuse counselors is so important. It also provides support for the counselors, because anyone will tell you that this is not an easy job. Once you are finished dealing with a client you need the emotional support of someone else. Doing it alone can be difficult.

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