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Sunday, 11 August 2013

An Insight On The Working Of Psych-K

By Andrea Davidson

Human beings undergo a tough life due to many challenges they face. They have to seek direction and appropriate advice so that they can solve problems. Psych-k has guidance and counseling departments which do a lot to show direction in life and also offer advice in critical situations. However these counselors do not go deeper to solve the matters affecting mind through stressful emotions and give substantial advice to enable one to solve their problem.

This was a call for other means to solve problems of subconscious mind, whereby people do things they are not even aware that they are doing them. Robert Williamson came up psych-k which was to help people with such problems. The word is a short form of psychological anesthesiology and was started about twenty two years ago. It has grown since then to give more and more services to the many fans of Williamson.

Generally, psych-k can be said to be a resource for guidance and counseling. This is so because counseling is to give a direction in life with useful suggestions by a professional. Counseling will give a person a course of action and advice just like Williamson team that helps solve emotional issues brought about by subconscious beliefs. There are however main areas that this team is helpful. Some of the areas they assist so much in giving direction are discussed herein below.

Good health is so important and actually is said to be the foundation of life. Without health one could be exposed to deficiency diseases. Imbalanced diet may lead to people becoming excessively fat, obesity. However this is so for the many beliefs people have. Many believe that they can eat as much as they can and the body should adjust itself. They can be helped on how to go about diet especially with many having psychological torture for the fact that they are fat and hating their bodies for that.

Health is the basis and foundation of life. People need to have proper health by having a balanced diet. This would make them avoid being fat or growing to have deficiencies. Many especially women hate the fact that they or they would be fat at time. Being fat will torture them in the mind with the stigma involved by people telling them that they are fat. However they can be taught to adjust and cope up with such situations and above all have a diet which would eliminate such problems.

Nowadays we have different religions. As people are spiritual beings, they have different beliefs on their view to their supreme being. Psych-k teaches how people should strengthen their faith and beliefs. Some people would reach a point they consider that they should let go of their religion just because they have not seen yields yet.

Another factor worth mentioning through it is self refers to self-pride one has for themselves. Most people consider their abilities not worthy. They could even choose others over their selves for the fact that they underrate their abilities.

This should not be the case. One has to rate themselves highly as they can so that others can perceive them in that way. One cannot expect others to see them successful and achievers if they consider their selves as failures. In fact, psych-k states that you should love yourself to be loved back.

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