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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A Succinct Guide To Asian New Years Symbols

By Steve Chung

Chinese culture has a strong linkage with the process of symbolism. Out of the several views of Chinese culture that is involved in utility of symbols, one of the event is the Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year is not accounted from the 1st of January as the rest of the world follows, in relation to the solar calender. The various symbols and customs that are associated with the Chinese New Year have a cultural and historical significance prevalent amongst the Japanese people.

You will find the collection of Chinese new years symbols to be demonstrating profound knowledge in an interesting and awe inspiring visual manner. The collection of New Year symbols is a fine example of balanced art between form and function.

That the Chinese people are talented and artistic in their own unique way is reflected through these Chinese new year symbols that are chosen to be a proof. The meaning behind these symbols gives depth of the Chinese beliefs and traditions that are wonderful.

At this point in our discussion it would be suitable for us to identify when exactly the Chinese New Year in equivalence to the western New Year is. First of all we must note that where as the western world follows a solar calendar China has traditionally been following the lunar calendar.

The cycles of the moon is what decides the foundation of the lunar calendar. This is one of the explanations why calendars printed in China contain both the Gregorian as well as the Chinese lunar calendar dates. Such easy calendars help to compare the dates and keep us updated with the current trends.

The expectations that come with the arrival of the Chinese New Year is to have a satisfied and happy spirit and hopefully some prosperity. Thus, the collection of Chinese New Year symbols are considered to be positive with due respect to their meanings.

Flowers play a vital role in the symbols created for the Chinese New Year. Traditionally the Chinese had an affinity to use natural god-gifted products and so flowers were a perfect choice. The plum blossom and water narcissus are two of the most popular Chinese new year flower symbols.

Another significant traditional New Year symbol is the hong-bao which is actually a lai-see envelope. This is an envelope consisting of money which is handed over to the kids by the elders of the family on the eve of the New Year. It is considered to be one of the Chinese New Year symbols.

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