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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Helpful Information Can Be Found On An OCD Blog

By Tamika Quinn

Obsessive compulsive disorder, often abbreviated OCD, it is a mental condition that affects the way a person's brain processes information. If one visits an OCD blog, he or she will quickly discover that there are two specific symptoms involved with the disorder. These are obsession and compulsion.

Obsessive, uncontrollable, irrational thoughts are often experienced by OCD sufferers. Unfortunately, the patient usually has a difficult time controlling the symptoms unless medical help is sought. The repetitive, obsessive thoughts that OCD patients commonly have, often interfere with their ability to manage their lives in a normal way. In most cases, patients also suffer from excessive anxiety and abnormal fears. The disorder is also associated with compulsive activity, which is the sufferer's way of trying to control his or her irrational thoughts. This causes an endless cycle to develop that affects the person negatively, hence the name of the disorder: obsessive compulsive.

This mental disorder typically manifests between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one. However, there have been individuals diagnosed with the disorder at almost every age. Most people afflicted with OCD claim that they experienced their first symptoms at some point during their childhood, although most patients are not diagnosed until they are adults. This is likely because the symptoms of the condition are similar to symptoms associated with other childhood disorders, including attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity.

Symptoms associated with OCD rarely disappear completely; however, their severity and frequency vary greatly from one patient to another. Additionally, an individual can have a severe, moderate, or mild form of the condition. It is not yet known, however, why some people develop more serious forms of the condition than others. OCD sufferers often experience depression as well, and numerous medical practitioners believe that this is due to the fact that the patient is constantly under the stress of trying to control his or her repetitive or compulsive actions.

It is often a weary life that OCD sufferer leads. The repetitive actions in which they participate, and the troublesome thoughts that constantly dog them frequently obscure things that are far more support. Those closest to patients with this condition may also feel high level of emotional strain.

An individual's physical health may also be affected by the behavioral patterns associated with obsessive compulsive disorder. For instance, the skin on a person's hands may become damaged from excessive washing, the latter of which is a repetitive habit that a person who has an unnatural fear of germs may develop.

One's social life is also negatively impacted by the condition. This is because those who are closest to the person may feel uncomfortable when the OCD patient is engaging in obsessive or repetitive behavior, especially if this happens during a party or special occasion where there are other guests who do not understand the person's actions.

Various treatments are available for this disorder, which usually include both talk therapy and prescription medication. Joining a support group is also a wise activity, as this way, individuals afflicted with this condition can vent their feelings to other people who understand their struggles. Visiting an OCD blog will help as well, as more information and updates on current treatments can usually be found on such websites. Anyone who thinks that he or she is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder should schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist or health care practitioner.

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