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Sunday, 3 March 2013

The Latest Bible Prophecy News

By Ava Hudson

Everyone knows about the big issue regarding the end of the world in December 21,2012 which of course, did not push through. Actually, this prediction first came from an author who claims that he had discovered a code in the Bible that points to this date. It was then later supplemented with the fact that the Mayan calendar ended on this day. Although nothing happened on that day, there are some signs which were predicted in the Bible that are happening today. Here are some of the latest Bible prophecy news.

The biggest project of the World Bank is to create one currency for all countries because the gold system has proven to not be as efficient as it used to be in the past years. If one would read the book of Revelations, he would read about the Antichrist forming a one world government which also means that a one world currency will be implemented. Although the World Bank dreams of this, it will take a good leader to be able to implement it first.

The current state of Israel is also another thing that many end of the world experts are monitoring constantly. This is because it is written in the Bible that during the end of times, Israel would once again become powerful. These days, the news have reported that after many years of hardship, Israel is slowly getting back up.

NASA also contributes some scientific evidence to the new end. Apparently, NASA has found out that the sun is producing very big sun spots that may be even more enormous than the earth. Having these giant sun spots will affect the earth by changing the weather conditions and thus producing natural disasters. Relating that to the Bible, Luke did say that when the rapture is about to come, the sun will have signs.

There have been news that a meteorite crashed into a frozen lake in Russia and injured quite a number of people. Obviously, a meteor hitting the earth is already a sign of the end of times. Revelations even states this happening as a star that will fall into the earth and kill many men.

Of course everyone probably knows about one of the Four Horsemen named Pestilence. Apparently, he is the one who has been bringing the viruses like SARS, mad cow disease, swine flu and others. These days, a new disease called the Corona virus has been spreading rapidly in England. It is said to be transmissible through contact with people and even the air.

Probably the most apparent sign would be the increase in nuclear weapons from power countries. Although the world has been at peace so far, one little spark could light them up and fight with each other. As Revelations stated, nation will fight against nation before the end of times.

Basically, those are the latest Bible prophecy news. Although no one can really predict when exactly the world will cease to exist, signs are showing that it will be soon. Many events that were predicted in the Holy Book are already coming true.

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