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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Family And The OCD Blog

By Bridgette Conway

The OCD blog and keeping informed of this condition is one way of beating it. Many use this collaborative platform in order to gain new perspectives and advances that have and are being made in this field of study. For both the sufferer and those that live with them new information is vital in tracking the effects of it.

This condition manifests itself in many ways. It is as though the sufferer is not sure whether they are doing something correctly and this is how it seems to others who do not suffer from this condition. The term obsessive is used to describe this condition as this is exactly how sufferers engage with their surroundings.

Obsessive compulsive sufferers will engage in certain acts as though they were a habit or addiction. Another example of this would be the need to arrange books on a bookshelf over and over again. It is as though nothing seems to quite be in the position or place it is meant to be in.

A great degree of patience is required and the work load is never evenly distributed. It is a well worth exercise to develop a good dose of empathy in situations such as these as one can really only try do the best you can and assist as you can. For the sufferer it is disturbing as some sufferers will admit to.

The problem is though that obsessive compulsive patients do not know when enough is enough in carrying out certain tasks. This condition can be misconstrued as the need to overachieve but usually is detectable by repetitive actions and the prolonged repetition of the same action. There exists varying degrees of intensities of this condition.

It is not uncommon to find a sufferer aligning objects and items on a coffee table at length. It is as though they are seeking to perfect the spaces around them and will consistently try to align objects in a perfectly straight line. It is not unusual for this behavior to find ways to improve on lining up objects in a straight line.

Some will opt to use measuring rulers and distance show items such as ashtrays and other glass ware in a perfectly measured distance from the edge of the piece of furniture they are sitting on. The problems that come about because of this is that other chores do not get accomplished such as shopping and other chores that need attention around the household. In worst case scenarios this behavioral pattern can render one dysfunctional in holding down employment.

OCD is not a condition to be laughed. It is a serious and can be a debilitating condition. Ignorance or being uninformed as to techniques to overcome it can be learnt by simply searching for further information.

The OCD blog is one arena where techniques are used and tested in curing the symptoms of it. The main factor that helps to overcome all other signs of this illness is not to stay indoors but to participate as best as one can in leading a normal functioning life. This motivation in itself helps one to ease those moments that may take hold of you.

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