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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Psychology Degree Plan - Sul Ross State University

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology
The following is a suggested sequence of courses for students seeking a bachelor's degree with a major in psychology. One of the history or elective courses may be taken to meet the multicultural social science requirement.
Freshman Year
Psychology 1302 and any one from 2304, 2309 or 23106
United States History6
English 1301, 13026
Math Requirement3
Oral Communication Requirement3
Fine Arts Requirement6
Physical Education Requirement2
Sophomore Year
Psychology 2307 and two additional Psychology Courses*9
Political Science 2305, 23066
English Literature Course and one English 2000 or Higher6
Science Requirement4
Foreign Language Requirement8
Computer Requirement3
Junior Year
Psychology 3308 and two 3000 level or higher Psychology Courses**9
Multicultural Social Science Core Requirement3
Science Requirement4
Senior Year
Psychology, 3000 Level or Higher6
Minor, 6 hours at 3000 Level or Higher9
*Only after completing the math requirement for the degree plan. Of the two additional pyschology courses, one should be at  the 3000 level or higher.
** Preferably completing your group requirements (Groups 1, 2 and 3) 
***Up to 15 hours of course work at 3000 level or higher may be needed to meet the 39 semester-credit-hour advanced requirements.

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