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Monday, 3 June 2019

Without An ADHD Specialist Michigan Patients May Struggle To Cope With Life

By Angela Thompson

Before Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD for short, was recognized as a medical condition sufferers were routinely written off by families, parents and teachers as willfully unruly, stupid, malicious and disrupting individuals. Despite the fact that the condition is now formally recognized as a disease, patients still suffer from a great deal of prejudice. The truth is that this disorder can be treated and managed. With help from an ADHD specialist Michigan patients can lead perfectly normal lives.

ADD patients do not all display or experience the same symptoms. There are a few common symptoms to look out for, however. Most patients struggle to concentrate on one activity for any length of time. Many patients avoid social interaction and many others are perceived as aggressive or deliberately rude. When parents, teachers or loved ones spot these telltale signs it may be time to see a therapist.

Many people think that the treatment of ADD is as simple as to prescribe drugs such as Ritalin. These drugs are not suitable for all patients and in some cases they can cause very serious side effects and even other health problems. In addition, these drugs are only suitable for controlling a small number of the symptoms. At best drugs are used only as one component of a treatment plan.

Because there is no cure for ADD, therapists have to focus on a holistic approach that covers all aspects of daily life. Exercise is always a very important component of any treatment program. Patients that exercise at least half an hour every day are more relaxed, less aggressive and they are able to focus and concentrate better. Exercise also releases endorphins that make people feel good.

A proper sleeping pattern is also an important part of a treatment plan. Most ADD patients suffer from insomnia and they seldom get enough rest. This has an adverse effect upon the severity of almost all the other symptoms. Therapists encourage patients to establish a fixed sleeping routine where they go to bed and get up at the same time every day. The room needs to be dark and silent.

Following a proper diet is also vitally important for ADD patients. So many of them do not eat for days and then indulge in unhealthy food. Therapists encourage them to eat a minimum of six smaller meals each day. Every meal should include some protein, fresh vegetables and fruit and some omega fatty acids. This helps to keep their energy levels up and to improve their concentration abilities.

Most ADD sufferers need counselling on a regular basis. They need to know as much as possible about their condition and they have to develop strategies to deal with the symptoms that they experience. Many patients also need help with developing a healthy self respect and sense of self worth. Therapists also teach patients how to deal with rejection, aggression and social exclusion.

There may be no cure for ADD but it is a condition that can be managed. Patients need to be disciplined, however, and adhere to their treatment programs at all times. If they do, there is no reason why they cannot live full and satisfying lives.

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