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Friday, 15 February 2019

Go To This Clinic For Trauma Focused CBT

By Donald Cox

Trauma is very much affective and damaging at all points and stages. However, let us go out on a limb here and emphasize its dire effects on children and young adults. That is perhaps because they have less things going on for them, and they are more likely to dwell on a particular event that have altered their psyche and scarred them for life. Early intervention is therefore imperative, and that is assured through trauma focused cbt Nyack.

CBT is an acronym for cognitive behavioral therapy. When talking about TFCBT, the nub of the matter are usually children or adolescents, but adults can still benefit from it. It is recognized, however, that for children a traumatic experience essentially comes under the turf of a crisis. That is because they have higher brain plasticity, which enables them to absorb a whole spectrum of learning, habits, and of course, experiences.

It may also come on gradually, such as that if the stress is building up because of past traumas. Other stressors may come in the picture and contribute to the oppressive feeling, even when it is unrelated to the event or experience itself. Also, if an experience happens repeatedly over a long period of time, then the trauma can be accordingly debilitating. Oppressive feelings, like self guilt and helplessness, also vamp up the traumatic disorder.

The TFCBT is delivered by mental health professionals, who may specifically be psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors or social workers. However, they are required to be certified and registered in the practice of TFCBT. Being accordingly licensed means they have undertaken the certifying training course.

If they are seeming bothered by recurring thoughts about a particular experience, or else are giving symptoms of emotional numbness, then these are, needless to say, striking red flags. Or else there may be symptoms that are seemingly discrete or less serious, like concentration problems and sleep issues. It is also noticeable that these traumatized persons evince extreme emotional and physical responses or general vexation upon reminder of a particular trauma inducing event.

The client spectrum of TFCBT is wide and diverse. Persons who experienced, especially repeatedly, episodes of physical, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse have all developed posttraumatic symptoms. Different ends of the continuum, like violence and grief, are givens as well.

Suffice it to say that if the destructive behavior of a particular child or adolescent, like behavioral problems, suicidal ideation, or substance abuse, is likely due to a traumatic event, then they would do well to benefit from TFCBT. However, where the factors are synergized, they could also perhaps benefit from the dialectical behavior therapy.

Among the primary treatment approaches in this regard is cognitive processing. With this method, the clients are made to draw connections between their experiences, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. This is necessary because in the case of trauma, only the traumatic experience and feeling takes precedence in an obsessive way, and the patients are not able to focus on other aspects, that which could have made them take things into perspective. In due course, they are able to replace unhelpful and harmful thoughts and focus on the more helpful and healthful aspects, that which will make them improve and be better.

There is a whole host of benefits to be gleaned with TFCBT. For one, the patients are taught anxiety management through relaxation. They are also taught emotional regulation and healthy expression. Proper ways of coping are integrated, as well as putting the trauma narrative into perspective and working through maladaptive thoughts like self blame. There is an in vivo exposure of sorts, so that the client may gradually desensitize himself or herself to the pain and shock of the experience. And, of course, maintaining recovery is extremely important, so that they retain the methods and coping mechanisms in future situations, and it is assured that the recovery process is smooth and consistently uphill.

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