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Thursday, 27 April 2017

Finding Out About A Mothers Sanity

By Brian Green

Every child on this planet should love and cherish the person who gave birth to them but unfortunately this does not happen quite often. A mothers sanity is sometimes pushed to the limit when she has a child who is rude and disrespectful. Even the smartest holy men cannot give good advice to these special caregivers who spend most of their time worrying about a bad child. They may even seek some counseling sessions whenever possible.

Pam was a young girl living within New York City and she shared a huge apartment with her parents and three other siblings. Her mother Ruth knew that this girl could be truly evil at times but she tried her best to accept her wicked ways. Ruth was one religious lady who knew the worst things about her daughter.

Fortunately she did have a strong willed father who made sure that his children would receive the correct discipline whenever they made mistakes. He was quite sure that everything was under control with this girl and she would someday turn out to become a fine young woman who respected others.

Her dear mom knew that this event was never going to happen unless a drastic change was made. As the days went by this certain girl found herself in all types of chaos and confusion. She had loaned a dear friend some money and unfortunately the other young lady could not pay the cash back.

The young lady loved money very much and could never accept the fact that she was never going to be paid. This made her see red and she decided it was time to take action against this former friend. She boldly went to the other girls mom and told her that there would be great tragedy if a payment was not made.

Before this tragedy could happen Pam's mom had found out and she was able to put a stop to this very naughty deed. Pam then found herself heading out of town with a one way ticket and this was good news for everyone around. She would find herself living with a maternal grandmother who had been lonely for some time. After all she was a loving grandmother who was willing to take her into her home without asking too many questions.

In the beginning everything seemed to be going well for the younger and older woman but things changed very quickly after a few months. The grandmother had received a telephone call from the local high school that her grandchild was on top of a building with a very nasty young man. The principal did not go into the details about the duo but it was quite evident that they were up to no good.

This news made Ruth quickly leave New York since she could not leave her mom alone with this dreadful teenager who was very sexually active. Ruth did not really like living in North Carolina but she had no choice in this particular matter. Nowadays Ruth is still living with Pam and she has never paid a visit to a psychiatrist.

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