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Saturday, 23 July 2016

Get To Know More Information On Dialectical Behavior Therapy In NYC

By Christine Taylor

The normal character and habit of an individual may change under different circumstances. People may develop strange and hostile behaviors that are dangerous to them as well as those living around them. Such behaviors need to be controlled to assist the victims to live a normal life. Dialectical behavior therapy in NYC is employed to help such people. This kind of treatment was initially designed to treat people with suicidal thoughts. These are people suffering from borderline personality disorders.

However, further research proved that the treatment is effective for individuals who suffer other kinds of disorders which may have proven untreatable by other treatments. The examples of these disorders included; depression, post traumatic stress, addiction as well as eating disorders.

There are various components of this program. The first one is the skills training group. This group is focused on enhancing the capabilities of the clients through teaching them behavioral skills. It is operated like a class whereby its leader teaches the skills then assigns homework for the clients to practice using the skills in their daily life. The groups meet on a weekly basis for specified hours. It runs for a period of one year.

The individual therapy is the second component of treatment. The focus is usually to improve the motivation of the clients. They are taught to apply the skills to handle particular challenges and events in their lives. In a standard setup, this therapy should be offered once per week provided the victim is in the treatment class. It is designed to run concurrently with other sessions.

Next, is the phone coaching. This type of therapy is focused on providing clients with moment coaching on how to apply the skills to cope efficiently up with difficult situations which arise in everyday lives. The clients are free to call their therapists in between the sessions to receive coaching in situations where they need help most.

Finally, is the consultation team. The team comprises of the group leaders and the therapists. It is a form of training to the therapists. It focuses on supporting the specialists in their job of handling people who often have conditions which are difficult to treat. To add, its helps the therapists to stay motivated and competent as they offer the treatments. The meeting usually takes place weekly.

After discussing the components, here are the stages of treatment. The first stage is for the miserable clients. These are individuals who are unable to control their characters. They can even try to kill themselves. The treatment is to help them achieve a condition of the behavioral control.

The next stage of treatment is for people who are living in depression. These categories of individuals are in a position to control their characters, but they continue to suffer because of depression as well as invalidation. They are assisted in moving from a desperate life to a life full of emotional experience.

In the third stage, the challenge is to learn how to live. They are trained to define life goals, find peace and happiness and built self respect. The main purpose is to enable the victim to lead a life of ordinary happiness and unhappiness.

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