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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tips To Consider When Choosing A Child Psychologist

By Robert Reynolds

Getting the services of a qualified therapist for your child is one of the most challenging tasks. There is so much you have to put into consideration bearing in mind there are many who are unqualified. Therefore, before you pick your child psychologist, you need to do background research on them. You cannot afford to make mistakes with the well-being of your kid. Below are important tips to consider.

Before you go to great lengths to find a competent therapist, begin at your local school that your kid attends. They must have a school counselor. Talk to the counselor about the condition of your kid and ask if they have any professional they can recommend. You will be surprised at how helpful they can be. In most cases, these counselors have lists of competent and qualified therapists at their disposal.

Apart from getting referrals from the guiding and counseling department in your local school, you should also endeavor to be acquainted into the world of counseling. This should only cost you your time since there are many free workshops and lectures offered by schools, parenting organizations and therapy institutes. Once you are there, you will encounter great therapists and learn what their work entails. The questions and answer session is particularly useful.

It is good when you let other people help by referring you to the therapists you are looking for. However, you can only get help from friends you trust. They need to have had positive experiences with their respective therapists. You then need to compare the symptoms of your child and that of theirs to see if they are similar. If they are, they could be the right person to help your kid.

When it comes to therapy for kids, parents have the biggest role in determining recovery for their kid. Therefore, while therapy for the young one is important, it is also more important to train the parent on how they are going to support their kid through recovery. After they are trained, parents can also help to pass the same knowledge to the teachers at school so that the kid gets support both at home and school.

You need to make an appointment with your prospective therapist. However, before then, you need to have a list of questions you can ask over the phone. You cannot visit all the therapists you have come across. This is the best way to ensure your visits are worth the time and effort. Firstly, you should ask whether they have a background and training working with kids.

Thereafter, ask them how often they meet with parents. If they do not, you should know that you are likely not to realize the benefits you wanted. A good therapist should not just meet with parents, but the guiding counselor at school or their teacher. It is important that most of those playing a role in nurturing the kid be trained. Then find out how long their therapy takes.

When meeting this therapist, bring your child with you to see if they are comfortable around them. Find out what the process will cost and the options for payment. A good therapist should accept insurance.

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