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Friday, 5 December 2014

Why Depression Counseling Is Important

By Claudine Hodges

Illnesses spread by microorganisms often follow a predictable course, and in many cases can be successfully treated using medications alone. Depression is a disease, but it not transmitted from person to person, and requires a completely different approach. It includes social, biological, psychological and spiritual factors, and depression counseling has become a significant part of recovery today for millions of people living with the illness.

Although there is usually no problem identifying its victims, pinning down an exact cause of their problem can be problematic. There can be physical symptoms that mimic many other conditions, including fatigue, weight gain or loss, or digestive problems. Depression can be triggered by situations that include severe personal loss, relentless stress, or addictions and substance abuse, but those factors alone do not necessarily constitute disease.

Because of the existence of many variables regarding initial causes or symptoms, most proven treatments use a combination of therapies. Prescription antidepressants provide relief from some of the most debilitating symptoms for many individuals, but they are rarely a long-term or permanent solution. Some people experience well-documented side effects that can become unpleasant enough for them to discontinue use.

Patients who experience lasting remission and relief have done so because the core causes of their condition have been addressed psychologically as well as physically. Medication alone is not a long-term solution for most, but only one part of a multifaceted program designed to help people understand their disease, and how personal behaviors complicate the issue. This approach stresses individual counseling, a term sometimes used interchangeable with psychotherapy.

Often referred to popularly as talk therapy, it directly addresses most of the specific issues commonly associated with the illness. It presents a variety of proven therapeutic choices tailored to depression, but stresses that people must choose the ones that best fit their needs. Counseling commonly leads to long-term psychotherapy, which gives patients the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of their own motivations and resulting behaviors.

To achieve the best results, a variety of issues must be considered. Counselors help clients understand how their own thought processes work, and how those patterns can be altered using a cognitive approach. Relationships with other people are examined during interpersonal therapy, and their affects on mental health closely examined. Both counselors and psychologists present solutions, but their primary goal is to help patients to choose the most effective course.

They provide a safe and trusting environment to begin that journey. An adviser can offer help in stress reduction, and can help people understand the role that others play in triggering a depressive episode. When long-term changes seem too difficult or complicated to complete, a counselor helps patients continue to make real progress. They also help patients cope with the effects of medications.

People living in Port Charlotte FL who must deal with the causes, symptoms and solutions to depression benefit from a counselor who best understands their predicament, and who can make the personal connection that is crucial to getting better. The most successful approach does not rely on medications alone. The worst option is to do nothing and continue living with the problem.

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