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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Blessing Of EMDR Therapy For PTSD

By Linda Ruiz

The eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is probably a great blessing in the medical world. EMDR which is its shorter term, helped a lot of people. It has been one of the wonderful discovery that psychologist came up.

On an EMDR session the health professional will let his finger move in back and forth motion. You will be requested to follow the movement of his hand. Psychologists use this EMDR therapy for PTSD, for many years an even until now.

PTSD is a severe psychiatric disorder that can happen after a very traumatic experience. An experience that may involve threatened or actual death, or threats of physical integrity of a person or any serious injury. Or even experience in just merely witnessing one. People with this disorder, suffer from nightmares and flashbacks. For some cases, they suffer depression, phobias or anxiety.

This was discovered by a psychologist whose name is Francine Shapiro in the year nineteen eighty seven. She was suffering a stressful and negative memories. While walking into the woods one day, she noticed that negative emotions were lessened as her eyes were moving from side to side. She made some research and investigated about the effect on it to her. She named the technique, the eye movement desensitization. And later on changing its name to EMDR, reprocessing for R.

PTSD patients are treated with EMDR, it actually incorporates other elements from psychotherapies like, interpersonal, experimental, body centered therapies and cognitive behavioral. Stressful events can be very hard to handle, but seeking some professional help and confronting your feeling may help a lot. The stressful experiences of the patient will be assessed as the first phase. Symptoms and thoughts that the patient wants to take off from his or her system will be identified and goals will be set for the treatment.

The professional will assist you and let you cope up with the issue properly. If you are not ready, then he will wait for you to calm down. Techniques in coping and relaxation will be provided. You will tell everything about the stressful case, all of these will happen in the second phase.

Third phase and so on, the discussion will be all about the related issues concerning your emotions, images, body sensations and beliefs. You will discuss those things while looking at his hand and its movement. It will go on as until the negativity is really gone.

On the seventh phase, he or she will be asked to write something the is related to a bad event. This will happen by the time they will reach the last session of treatment. And he or she will be evaluated on the eighth phase.

The EMDR is no wonder a great aid to many, and not to mention the safest way. This has no negative adverse effect to a patient. Many people in the medical world like to use this to their clients. It is also been used in many other psychological problems, such as panic attacks, eating disorders, anxiety and addictions. When you think that you are suffering from this disorder, do not hesitate to seek help from your psychologist. It would be better to have an early treatment, than nothing.

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