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Thursday, 27 February 2014

When Thinking About Psychotherapy Encino CA Citizens Need Not Be Alarmed

By Leticia Jensen

In many ways, numerous people now live better than ever before. More people have access to medical attention, more people have pensions and more people own their own homes. On the other side, more people are undergoing therapy than ever before. This may be because there is a better awareness of psychological ailments, however. Unfortunately, even to this day, when thinking of psychotherapy Encino CA residents often think that it is a dark, dangerous and mysterious field.

There is still confusion about the difference between psychiatry and psychology. A psychiatrist is a medical practitioner that has specialized in the field of psychology, but he is able to prescribe medication whilst a psychologist is a trained therapist that relies on counseling. Many patients need the services of both professionals who often work together as a team.

One of the biggest obstacles encountered by professionals is the fact that so many people still see psychological help, in any form, as a sign of weakness. They think that they are supposed to deal with their own problems and that only legitimate medical conditions warrant a visit to a medical expert. Nothing can be further from the truth. Many people can live better lives if only they seek help.

There are cases where patients simply do not understand that they need help. It is very difficult to force anyone into therapy. In many other cases sufferers do not have support and their loved ones simply believe that they have to pull themselves together and get on with live. Anyone struggling to cope with life should seek help.

The field of psychology is a vast one and very few practitioners are experienced in the full spectrum of maladies in this field. That is why it is vital to choose a therapist that has experience in treating a specific problem. Most house doctors can provide valid references to the most apt therapist and in many cases it would be necessary to see both a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

Patients and their families should understand that psychological ailments are often difficult to treat. Diagnosis alone may require several sessions with a specialist. There are no miracle cures and no therapist can guarantee results. Progress depends upon the patient and treatment may have to continue for extended periods of time. Most general practitioners can provide references to the best specialist in any particular field.

It is almost impossible to make progress unless there is a relationship of absolute trust between the therapist and the patient. The patient needs to know that the therapist is there to help him and he needs to know that the relationship will always be confidential. Great care should therefore be exercised in selecting a therapist. However, it should always be understood that therapy may be complex and that it will take time.

Getting psychological help is no shame and it is definitely not a sign of weakness. In fact, getting help when it is necessary is rather a sign of sober thinking and a desire to do better. Everybody should lead a contented life and if there are issues that prevent such a life, steps should be taken to remedy the situation. It is really as simple as that.

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