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Thursday 7 November 2013

Psych-K Is The Answer To Modern Day Problems Concerning Body, Mind And Spirit

By Sonya Riley

The practice of Psych-K, also known as Psychological Kinesiology, is a simple approach where certain muscles are tested and the answers that are received will inspire a positive change in the patient. Through the test the patient is relieved of stumbling blocks in their behavior that is making their life a misery. The practice also includes other forms of energy healing therapies to establish a balanced state in the patient.

It was first developed by Robert M. Williams in 1988 to improve the methods of counseling which yielded inadequate results. He intended to speed up the healing process by focusing directly on accessing the subconscious mind and introducing a beneficial change in the patient. Due to his extensive knowledge in Psychotherapy and additional studies in kinesiology, acupressure, Neurolinguistic Programming and various spiritual healing practices he was able to combine everything and create a simple technique.

Daily stress and emotional setbacks affect everyone and adding to its negative conditioned mindsets can really set one back and into a depressive state. The therapy was designed for precisely this reason and to help patients get on track and lead balanced lives.

This occurs automatically as they are all connected and linked to the subconscious. Kinesiology is basically a practice that evolved around accessing this area for healing purposes. The result can certainly change your life.

It can result in a life-altering situation as it is a very powerful form of therapy. The subconscious know no lies and will only project the absolute truth. Once patients see the significance of this they are inspired to change their bad habits and patterns of behavior for good. This will eventually improve their lifestyle, health and everything that affects their personal life.

The procedure exposes and releases all the negative trends that blocks the way to health and mental wellness. Positive and supportive beliefs are then replaced once the destructive ones have been exited. The effect works fast and changes can be detected in a short space of time. Often after the very first session patients feel considerably happier, are mentally much more alert and rid of constantly nagging pains in the body.

No side-effects such as emotional setbacks or any deterioration in health occurs during or after the treatment. Emotional trauma does not easily go away but patients are now more equipped to deal with it and not be too affected again. Thanks to cleaning the way of the conscious mind patients are able to recover and take control of their lives.

Psych-K has proven to be a highly successful method in treating and counseling patients. The procedure will not create any additional emotional setbacks but rather encourage and help the patient to successfully deal with it. This practice could not have come at a better time as imbalance in body, mind and spirit seems to be at an all-time high and people are finding it close to impossible to improve their states within a short period of time.

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